Actors & props
Cast:- Billy Cottee (Kingsley Brother #1)
- Matt Cottee (Kingsley Brother #2)
- Chloe Hicks (Agent Miller)
- Amy Knight (Agent Knight)
Package: When Agent Miller flies to NYC she has to pick up a package, we want a rather small package as we will have to carry it around whilst were out filming so a massive box would simply be impractical. We shouldn't have any trouble finding a package as they can be easily purchased online or get one from home as many things are posted in similar packaging to what we hope to have.
Phone: This is one of the more crucial props that will be used continually throughout the trailer, key scenes are when Agent Miller is sat in front of the Lincoln memorial in Washington, when she is contacted at the party in London. It is a handy prop as not only does it make sure our film isn't stuck in the dark ages but it allows us to easily link multiple locations quickly and cheaply and requires less actors - something which we were initially worried about.
Gun: As this is a spy movie a gun is key, this will be a simple prop that Agent Miller and probably the antagonists will have as it's a convention of the action genre. We will obviously use a toy one but will have to be careful when using it in public as we could get told off by the police.
Newspapers: This is a minimal, simple prop that we may use when Agent Miller is sat in a cafe and reads the news of the brothers release - to make it more modern though we may use a phone or laptop.
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