Saturday, 3 October 2015

Initial Planning (Plot)

 Initial planning
Mind-mapping ideas

 (storyboard initial ideas)

 (Mind-mapping ideas for plot of film, casting, locations, film names ect)

We were pleased with our first planning meeting as we felt we made good ground and established a fair amount of things about our film. 

We now have some film name possibilities along with, more importantly, the beginning of an outline for our plot as well as an idea for who we will cast and a variety of ideas for locations.

Initial problems we found were that the plot needed to be complex enough to engage and maintain viewers attention but with lack of acting skills the dialogue is likely to feel fake and forced which is something we will have to work on solving, also timing is an issue as we don't have long to shoot all the necessary footage as it's hard to find times when we will all be available and also locations - although we wish to film in America we need to have a back up plan for if we are unavailable to shoot the desired scenes.

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