Thursday, 22 October 2015

Script (Planning)


Establishing shot of Washington, long shot of Lincoln memorial, cut to shot of Miller walking and sitting down on the steps out the front of the Lincoln memorial, match on action of her looking at her phone reading an article about the Kingsley brothers who are on trial for murder. She places her phone down whilst looking out to the horizon - finally has there been some justice? Her phone rings, its her friend

A.M: hi (low angle shot just phone and part of the face)

F: have you heard?
A.M: (looking confused, fearing the worst) what, no why
F: (interrupting) they got out. (cut to shot of them getting into car) 5 witnesses, finger prints on the murder weapon (shot of murder weapon, gun going off), hair found on the bodies (shot of them walking away pull focus onto hair on top of dead body)...and they walk free
A.M: (MS put face in hand, trying to conserve anger, exhales)
F: and a report just came in,(flicking through report - pick up photo) same style, same weapon, same marks of their hands - they've killed again
A.M: (distraught) 
F: Mccolin is in New York waiting (stands up angry, marches off), he anticipated this news and he has something for you

Cut to NYC establishing shot, shot of A.M picking up package from Mccolin, open it up and see pictures of twins meeting with a lawyer - the person who has helped them manipulate the system, also pictures of them murdering a man (the piece of evidence that went missing from their trial) - too good to be true. On plane - looking at picture of mother, finally there might be justice, plane landing, establishing shot of London, cut to inside shot of boat party, phone rings Miller steps outside to answer

A.M: agent miller
F: they're there. they're at the party (shots of party, chaos)
A.M: (looks around quickly phone still to her ear, panicked, eager to catch them)
F: we've been tracking them since they were released, they were spotted leaving the building a few minutes ago
A.M: (still looking around POV shot) okay 
F: they were seen heading north up South-bank a few minutes ago - heading towards Waterloo, if they get on that train we lose them
A.M: shit (hangs up phone starts to run down South-bank after them)

Shots of them walking casually down South-bank (low angle shot of their feet) cut to fast paced shots of Miller running, dodging past people trying to catch them, shot of them arriving at Waterloo walking through, Miller not far behind, shot of them getting on train, Miller running onto platform just as train leaves, shot of train leaving, Miller out of breath hits wall out of frustration 

*change in music* shots of Miller researching previous cases, flashbacks of person beaten up, Miller drinking, flicking through sheets, typing. 

F: 68 cases, over 227 murders over the course of 18 years and the number of successful convictions - none. (SRS Miller and F sat in cafe/office/train) This isn't just about your family - they've murdered in Philadelphia, Sydney, Cardiff - they're killing on an international level.

Cut to establishing shot of MI6 building

A.M: look at these, this is what we've been waiting for, this is good evidence

B: have you not seen the news? It's good but...(shakes head, looks speechless) it'll never be enough
A.M: (angry, kicks something over as she leaves) 

Out on the street bumps into one of the twins (flashback of shooting, gun going off) realise who he is, see's him again follows him, he meets with his brother, she spies on them from behind a wall, they drive off and see her in rear view mirror, try to follow them but lose them, angry, decides to take justice into her own hands

At home she pulls out a briefcase from underneath a bed and pulls out her gun, clears it and places bullets down on the table, walking down the street see shes holding a gun, pan up to her face as she holds Lawyer at gunpoint, cut to shots of lawyer picking up large sums of money from the twins

A.M: how did you do it? how did you manipulate the jurors? 

Down back alley ends up fighting with someone, seen sneaking into building to find files

F: Miller, you need to're not well

Looking at picture of Mum, seen visiting grave, unwell – obsessed with the case, taking pills, stressed, being shot at, angry at everyone, throwing stuff, throwing paper of table, fight with someone, Miller racing in her car 

A.M: (dialogue over the top of montage) I cant, I need justice

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