Thursday, 17 March 2016

Evaluation task 2 - (combination of products)

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?
How 3 tasks complement each other in advertising film and appeasing to target audience

Our poster is very successful in advertising our film as the title is very visible and large making it clear to the audience. There is no specific release date instead the poster states it is “coming soon” informing the audience they must look out for it. The name of our film takes centre attention in large black writing surrounded by flames, not only does this attract the audience’s attention it also appeals to the target audience. Having flames on our film poster is a convention of action films; this allows audiences to quickly identify the genre. Other indicators of the action genre is the stances that the actor are doing, standing brave and strong suggests they are powerful characters which the audience would like to know more about.  As the female actor is standing further forward in the poster we assume she is the main character which subverts typical stereotypes that the protagonist is usually male, the men who are standing further back together suggest they are a team, working together, as they are placed further back the audience assume they are the antagonists. The blueprint backdrop at the top of the poster connotes mystery, on the bottom part of the poster shows a long shot of London, including a location on the poster gives the audience a better feel of the film and what they think may happen, as London is a very large City and many films contains London, shows our film is just as diverse and professional as others. Finally the colours of the poster conform to the action genre as black and green colours are also used in many other famous action posters.
Similarly, in our magazine front cover the film title is clearly advertised by using large bold writing; we used special effects to make the title appear smashed this connotes destruction and violence, conforming to the conventions of an action film. Another similarity is the prevalence given to our actors, main character Agent Miller is placed in the centre of the magazine, holding a gun up, the gun purposely points straight at the audience making them feel it is directed at them therefore leaving a bigger impact on them. The gun is also an indication of the genre, attracting action fans to easily identify what they like. Our magazine front cover follows many conventions of other magazines, such as the large “Empire” title as well as the overlapping of the main image slightly being in front of the magazine title, this creates a professional and appealing look as it makes all the aspects of the magazine fit together nicely. There are many aspects of the magazine which advertises and encourages audiences into purchasing the magazine in order to read the articles such as the “First exclusive interview with CHLOE HICKS” putting her name in capitals makes her sound important, suggesting that audiences should want to read the interview, stating its “exclusive” suggests it new and exciting, something no one has ever seen again, which also makes audience want to read it. Other features at the sides of the magazine include conventional advertisement of other action films and the bonus Oscars article, all these features attract the action fans to the magazine, especially the effective looking camera reel which included pictures of other films, giving the audience a visual persuasion into buying the magazine.
Our film trailer conforms to action genre stereotypes such as car chases, guns and fight scenes, throughout the trailer it is clear to the audience what genre it is using many indicators such as the characters and location, our trailer is successful is advertising the film as our film title appears alongside some suspense filled music creating an impact of the audience making the name “International” stick in their minds. Therefore our Film poster, magazine front cover and our trailer all complement each other in advertising and appealing to our target audience.

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