Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Media Exam Evaluation


1.      How did you use media forms to come up with something new and original? 
We used YouTube to look at other openings inside and outside of our genre picking out parts that we found most effective and then combined these feature to come up with an opening 2 minutes which is interesting and dynamic.

2.      Where did ideas come from? 
We talked about comedy, but realised it would be challenging to come up with a script that would actually be funny, we then considered action but didn’t feel our editing could be precise and smooth enough yet to deliver a high standard opening. Therefore, we decided Horror as it was a simple and accessible setting also the dark lighting could be used to hide mistakes of continuity

3.      How did you work collaboratively to share ideas? 
Each of us came up with a verity of ideas of what we thought made our opening of a film most interesting, we then shared these ideas and discussed how we could create them, from this we came up with a list of ideas which are achievable and applied them to our AS opening 2 minutes.

4.      How did you change things? 
In transition from AS to A2 we changed many of our shots making them more dynamic including more interesting ones such as high angle and tracking shots. We also filmed more footage which allowed us to have a large amount of material to choose from in the editing process. We also changed amount of actors, including more gave it a more realistic feel.

5.      How did you use tools like Adobe Premier Elements etc. to achieve something imaginative? 
Using this software allowed us enough tools to create an interesting opening two minutes this includes our 2 production titles which gave our trailer a realistic edge as well as our multiple soundtracks which allowed us to have eerie non diegetic as well as diegetic sound from our footage

6.      What stylistic techniques were used to appeal to the audience? 
We used a point of view shot from our main character as she ran through the woods this enabled the audience to relate to the opening more therefore taking more interest at the overall opening.

7.      What was the intended outcome of the production? (
Assessment objectives, preferred readings, promotional purposes?) Our group wanted an opening two minutes which looked professional and clean, we didn’t want there to be a dull moment so we made sure no shot was too long and no title appeared too short or too long. At the end of our production we wanted a diverse trailer which keeps the audience’s attention.

8.      How were these outcomes achieved in terms of page layout and camera shot choices (codes and conventions)?
We made sure our page layout was in proportion using rule of thirds as well as 180 degree rule, this made sure our actors were always positioned correctly on screen, we had a range of shots including panning, high angle and close up which all looked effective in the end product.

9.      How have you developed these skills at A2? 

We have taken the skills we learn at AS and realised the few mistakes that we made such as lighting and made sure we developed our skills further to overcome any new mistakes, in our A2 production a wider variety of shots were used, we used more actors and filmed loads of footage so we were able to be picky with what shots to include.

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