Thursday, 6 August 2015

Codes and Conventions

Codes and Conventions

  • Sound - there is a lot of humorous dialogue throughout the trailer which is important to include this because audiences get pleasure from humor, and by including it, it gives the audience examples of how the film is funny
  • Music is also very important; the music within a trailer usually should match the scenes being shown - in this case, its a comedy genre, therefore upbeat music could be used, as it emphasises the comical atmosphere
  • Chances are you'll be switching between at least five songs during the two-and-a-half minutes on screen, usually all upbeat and contemporary
  • Setting - The setting in a comedy genre is important, and it usually consists of a location, plot, and/or situation that is unusual, ironic, or unrealistic.
  • Record scratches are the easiest way of signposting your biggest and best jokes, but sadly overuse has rendered them less effective over time. Luckily, interrupting the music with the sound of someone falling into a dumpster/down a flight of stairs/off a trampoline works just as well.
  • It can be hard to build dramatic tension when most of your trailer is comprised of jokes, so some more heart filled moments can often be seen but then interrupted by some joke or physical comedy

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