Sunday, 9 August 2015

Codes and Conventions

Codes and Conventions

  • Examples of enigma codes are effective background music, fast paced editing and slow paced editing.
  • Enigma codes are used in thriller films to create suspense
  • Thriller films commonly speed up non diegetic music to create suspense 
  • One technique used in thriller trailers are fast paced editing, this gives excitement to the audience 
  • Voice overs are commonly used in thriller trailers 
  • Todorov theory is that the trailer has a start a middle and an end, the start is an equilibrium, there is a disruption in the middle and in the end the equilibrium is reordered
  • Most thriller films have young people in them to appeal to a greater audience
  • The main roll in a the thriller film normally goes to the male
  • Another technique used in thriller trailer is slow paced editing this gives the audience suspense
  • The film usually involves an protagonist and an antagonist who are introduced in the trailer, the aim of the protagonist is to restore justice, while the antagonist seeks to destroy it. Often the antagonist goes out for revenge from a past event
  • There is often low key lighting, quick cuts, tension filled music, shadows, protagonist in the mercy of the antagonist
  • The story line is often more intricate than horror films and is designed so the audience will think it can happen to them which will make them feel scared.
  • Thriller trailers usually feature several close up shots to show characters emotions or to focus on props to aid the narrative

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